10 online business ideas to launch in 2022

As the world is affected by the current economic crisis, the future is more uncertain than ever. This is also - or even especially - the case for the corporate world.

If you are planning to embark on entrepreneurship, it is important to take into account the changes undergone by the commercial sphere at the moment. Before you decide and opt for a business, make sure that your project is adapted to this economic situation.

We decided to help you make your choice, by offering you online business ideas to start now.

What are the criteria to consider before choosing your online business?

Before moving on to the list of ideas that we offer, a small point is in order. The Covid-19 crisis has negative consequences in certain areas. Before embarking on a new online business, certain criteria must therefore be taken into account

  •   Choose a field of activity that escapes the crisis, or that benefits from the crisis;
  •   Create a business that will survive, and that will always be relevant in the post-covid world;
  •   Make use of personal experience and skills.


    If you want to start an online business now, then you have it all figured out. Online businesses are the most resilient and are the most promising areas right now. Don't let this get you down, and take advantage of the crisis.10 idées de business en ligne à lancer même pendant la crise de 2022 :

    Golden Opportunity:



    The online training sector was already booming before the covid-19 crisis. But since then, it's even better: it exploded.

    Why? The answer is simple. Look at yourself: you have decided to launch your online business in the midst of a crisis. Thousands of other young entrepreneurs, like you, had the brilliant idea of adapting to survive the crisis. However, some do not have all the knowledge necessary to achieve their goal.

    This is when young - or less young - entrepreneurs decide to turn to online training. This training can allow them to quickly acquire, and without leaving home, skills that they lacked.

    You can create and sell your own online training yourself. It's a very effective way to leverage your skills. If you are an expert in a particular field, then create an online course, and sell it.

    For example: let's imagine that you have a degree in communication. You can create several training courses on managing a company's image, managing social networks, creating a logo, etc.

    Your training can take the form of videos or PDFs. In any case, take care of the presentation of your training, make good communication around what you offer, and you will see: it works!

    2 - E-HEALTH



    You had to think about it, and yet it seems obvious.

    At the start of the crisis, the population was encouraged to turn to online medical consultation systems to limit travel and unclog doctors' waiting rooms. Despite the initial reluctance, a large part of the population enjoyed the experience.

    You don't need to be a doctor to work in the field of e-health.

    For example, we have seen many entrepreneurs turn to the creation of mobile health applications, create a start-up in telemedicine, or even embark on the design of connected medical objects.

    Sometimes all it takes is a good idea to make a fortune.




    Blogging can be profitable right now. But for that, you have to know how to do it.

    Start by finding a topic. A subject that you are passionate about, if possible, but above all a subject in which you are an expert. Then write. 

    The principle of the blog is simple: it is a question of sharing, in the form of articles, information that can interest or entertain a more or less large targeted audience.

    What is certain, however, is that for your blog to become profitable, it must be known to a lot of Internet users. The more you are followed, the more you will be approached by brands who will offer you partnerships, and allow you to live from them.

    It's a tempting adventure!

    the site that brings you 1millions


    In the same vein as blogging, we find the creation of online videos.
    Why not create your Youtube channel, and do everything to get it off the ground?

    A Youtube channel that takes off and works can become much more profitable than a blog. Indeed, Youtube is one of the most popular platforms - and even more so since confinement.

    During the covid-19 crisis, the consumption of videos on the Internet has become one of the favorite pastimes of the French. Some Youtube channels have been able to take advantage of the situation, and take off.

    For example, some Youtubers have simply decided to film their daily life during confinement in the form of vlogs. Others have decided to offer activities to occupy their hands during confinement in the form of tutorial videos. Others have instead turned to sport, offering sessions to reproduce at home...



    Of course, e-commerce is one of the big poles of this list of advice. If you want to start an online business right now, think about selling.

    Dropshipping is one of the easiest ways to make money quickly through e-commerce. And for good reason: unlike traditional e-commerce, you do not need to offer your own products. We can therefore speak of a significant saving of time and money.

    The principle of dropshipping is as follows:

    The principle of dropshipping is as follows:

    • Create an online store;
    • Partner with a wholesaler to sell their products on your e-shop
    • Select the products from your wholesaler that you want to sell;
    • When a customer orders a product on your site, send the order to the wholesaler who will take care of the shipment.

    WARNING: dropshipping has a controversial reputation, not always rightly so. You have to choose your wholesaler carefully, and make sure upstream of the quality of the products, the reliability of the shipments, and the ethics behind the manufacturing. 


    Since many companies are turning, more than ever, to online sales, web development activities have a lot of work at the moment.

    Of course, there is no question here of activity accessible to all: web development requires an advanced mastery of certain tools. It is not enough to follow online training to become a web developer.

    However, we could not talk about it here, since it is one of the most demanded areas of activity at the moment.

    If you already have the skills to become a web developer, then don't wait any longer! Build your web development business. If you do it right, you are sure to have a functioning business in a while.


    Online entertainment is also booming. Why? Because people go out less, of course. They, therefore, turn to solutions such as video games for daily entertainment.

    Again, this is an area that requires a fairly high level of mastery of the tools. But you can definitely do it by associating with other people who have skills that will complement yours.

    For example: creating a start-up that develops mobile games can be a good idea with a promising future. 


    What is one of the big problems created by the coronavirus crisis?

    The education of our children. Remember: in 2020, students missed school for an unprecedented amount of time.

    Faced with this daunting problem, and parents' concerns about the future management of schools, colleges, and high schools, the tutoring sector has experienced unprecedented demand.

    You can decide to make your skills available to children by turning to online education. There are already existing platforms on which you could register. But you could also think bigger and create your own platform!‍



    If you have a good pen and a good command of French grammar, web writing is a niche that can become very profitable.

    Become a freelancer, and impose your presence on service platforms, or communicate on your social networks. Get closer to professionals who need your services, create a network of clients, and make yourself known.

    Generally, web writers charge for their work by the number of words.

    10- IMPORTANT: (Profitable business model)

    Want another business idea? I'm not going to give it to you, no, I'm going to do better than that.

    I will directly create a business for you from A to Z.